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Resource Monitoring


Resource monitoring is an essential part of sustainably managing the natural resources of the Orange-Senqu River basin. This sections looks at resource monitoring and how the data from monitoring programmes is collected, stored, distributed and used for better decision making. This section also examines where there are gaps in current monitoring programmes and how these can be closed.

Chapter Summary

This chapter is structured as follows:


Monitoring our resources so that they are used sustainably.
Source:Vogel 2007
( click to enlarge )



Explore the sub-basins of the Orange-Senqu River

Explore the water management systems around the basin - including intra-basin transfers and sectoral water requirements

Investigate the dams and water infrastructure in the Orange-Senqu basin

Tour video scenes along the Orange-Senqu River related to Meeting the Water Challenge

Listen to a panel discussion about the history and challenges in the Orange-Senqu basin

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