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Home The River Basin People and the River Governance Meeting the Water Challenge
Four Nations, One River ORASECOM
Botswana Lesotho Namibia South Africa

The Orange-Senqu River basin is located in southern Africa, encompassing all of Lesotho, a large portion of South Africa, southern Namibia and southwestern Botswana.

This is Version 2.0 of the Orange-Senqu River Awareness Kit (2011) - an information and knowledge management tool for the Orange-Senqu River basin, to support capacity development and the sustainable management of the environment and resources within the basin. Included within the Orange-Senqu RAK are self-learning resources, supported by interactive visualisation tools, maps, documents and Google Earth layers. The intended audience for the Orange-Senqu RAK is the broad spectrum of stakeholders in the Orange-Senqu River basin, including government agencies, river basin managers, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), educational establishments and the general public, as well as the international community.

The Orange-Senqu River basin
( click to enlarge )

Orange-Senqu River Awareness Kit Themes:

The River Basin People and the River Governance Meeting the Water Challenge
The River Basin People and the River Governance Meeting the Water Challenge