Republic of Namibia


Namibia is a sparsely populated country in southern Africa, bordering South Africa to the south, Botswana and Zimbabwe to the east and Angola and Zambia to the north, with the western boundary of the country being the Atlantic Ocean. The southern border with South Africa is delineated by the Lower Orange River, with approximately 26% of the Orange-Senqu River basin falling in Namibia. The ephemeral Fish River contributes to the Lower Orange River, when it flow.  The ephemeral Nossob River joins with the Molopo River but water from this river system does not reach the Orange River.

Mining supports a large portion of Namibia’s economy, with tourism and service industries also contributing significantly. Agriculture is largely constrained by the availability of water, particularly in the south of the country, a region classified as arid and in some places hyper-arid.

Key indicators and data

Capital city: Windhoek
Population (2001 census): 1 830 330
Population density (2001 census): 2,1/km2
Date of independence: March 21, 1990
Human Development Index (2008): 0,634
129th out of 179 countries
Human Poverty Index (2008): 29,9
84th out of 135 countries
Access to improved drinking water sources (2002): Urban: 98 %
Rural: 72 %
Access to Improved Sanitation (2002):

Urban: 66 %
Rural: 14 %

GDP (2008 est): US$11,59 billion (total) US$1 600 (per capita)
Economic Growth Rate (est. 2008): 3,9 %
Primary sectors: Agriculture 15,1 %
Industry 46,7 %
Services 38,2 %
Main exports: Diamonds, copper, gold, zinc, lead, uranium, livestock
Neighbouring countries: South Africa, Botswana, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Area of land in the Orange-Senqu River basin: 245 000 km2
Percentage of the Orange-Senqu River basin 24.5 %

Sources: Namibia 2001 Population and Housing Census, Globalis GVU UNEP (2009), World Factbook (2009), BBC Monitoring (2009), UNHDR (2008); World Water (2002)


The coat of arms of Namibia.
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Source:Hatfield 2009
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