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Home The River Basin People and the River Governance Meeting the Water Challenge
Resource Management  


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Resource Management


Meeting the water requirements of the population, economy and environment of the Orange-Senqu River basin is a significant challenge. With limited surface water resources available to meet increasing demands, managers and decision-makers need to consider all options, including sustainable use of groundwater, new water infrastructure and opportunities to conserve water to improve rain-fed agriculture.

The Resource Management theme includes information on:

  • Water Demand - including perspectives on demand management, regulation, major demand sectors, conservation and re-use;
  • Water Infrastructure - including bulk transfers, dams, small scale supply and groundwater, infrastructure for irrigation and development and maintenance;
  • The Value of Water - including a discussion of economic valuation of water, an overview of virtual water, comments on the future outlook and environment costs; and
  • Resource Monitoring - including the importance of monitoring, existing monitoring infrastructure and programmes, information systems, data and information for decision-makers and a discussion of gaps in data and information necessary for integrated water resources management.
Irrigated agriculture is a major water consumer in the basin.
Source:De Wet 2007
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Gariep Dam from the air. Water management infrastructure (dams and water transfers) is essential to ensure sustainable development in the Orange-Senqu River basin.
Source:Pyke 2002
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Water collection in Keetmanshoop, Namibia: provision of water is essential to ensure livelihoods in remote rural communities.
Source:DRFN 2008
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Explore the sub-basins of the Orange-Senqu River

Explore the water management systems around the basin - including intra-basin transfers and sectoral water requirements

Investigate the dams and water infrastructure in the Orange-Senqu basin

Tour video scenes along the Orange-Senqu River related to Meeting the Water Challenge

Listen to a panel discussion about the history and challenges in the Orange-Senqu basin

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