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Home The River Basin People and the River Governance Meeting the Water Challenge


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Southern African Development Community (SADC)


This chapter describes the regional level organisations and instruments responsible for promoting water governance that impact the Limpopo River basin.

Regionally, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Water Sector promotes IWRM through a number of Instruments of the water sector. The Revised Water Protocol on Shared Watercourses provides the principles of Integrated Water Resources Management. The SADC Water Policy provides the framework for Integrated Water Resources Management. The SADC Water Division is the institution responsible for implementing the framework and principles through the SADC Policyand Strategy and the Strategic Action Plans. The SADC Guidelines establish recommendations for River Basin Organisations within SADC in four strategic areas.

Chapter summary

This chapter covers the following concepts and material:


Water is a valuable resource in southern Africa.
Source:Roode 2009
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