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Water Governance in the Orange-Senqu River Basin:

Stakeholder Analysis


A Stakeholder Analysis was conducted as part of the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) to identify major stakeholder groups affected by and impacting degradation in the Orange-Senqu River basin (GEF 2008). The analysis included the identification of major stakeholder groups and key issues surrounding IWRM, and a qualitative assessment involving over 400 stakeholders from 36 stakeholder groups conducted in March and April 2007 (GEF 2008).

Stakeholder groups included representatives from relevant line ministries involved with water and related sectors, private sector companies, river communities, scientists, international organisations, the donor community, and ORASECOM.

The stakeholder analysis in the TDA identified the following issues as most significant (GEF 2008):

  • Water quality and quantity
  • Climate change Impacts on water regime, including quality, quantity and ecosystems
  • Influence of water regime on biodiversity in the basin
  • Social and economic issues affecting project design and implementation
Members of national water departments of water during a field excursion along the Orange-Senqu River.
Source:Vogel 2009
( click to enlarge )

The TDA provided the following recommendations for ORASECOM’s Stakeholder Roadmap (GEF 2008):

  • Develop and implement an integrated capacity building program at national and regional levels, focused on water scarcity and water conservation measures as a part of a wider demand management strategy
  • Develop inter-sectoral programs to raise awareness and build capacity of stakeholders on concepts of sustainable development, IWRM, and environmental economics
  • Take steps to discard the perception of trade-off between environmental protection and economic development

To learn more about stakeholders in the region, please see the Governance Stakeholders section of Water Governance in the Orange-Senqu River Basin.



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