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Transboundary Water Management:

Regional Agreements


The Revised Protocol on Shared Watercourses in the Southern African Development Community (Revised Protocol) is an example of a regional agreement. It was originally developed by the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in 1995 as part of the implementation process of the SADC Treaty. The original Protocol on Shared Watercourses (Original Protocol) was revised to recognise the UN Watercourses Convention (ORASECOM 2007j). The Revised Protocol was signed in 2000 and came into force in 2003.

The Revised Protocol promotes the establishment of shared watercourse agreements and institutions, and enshrines the principles of reasonable use and environmentally sound development of the resource. It supports Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) and the Regional Strategic Action Plan for Integrated Water Resources Development and Management (RSAP–IWRM).

The Revised Protocol supports strengthening the principles of integrated management of shared basins with specific provisions for:

  • Equitable Utilisation
  • Notification of Planned Measures
  • No Significant Harm
  • Emergency Situations

The Revised Protocol was been ratified by all of the Orange-Senqu riparian states and is binding on them. The agreement stipulates that any institutions established within the region, such as River Basin Organisations, must implement the principles of the Revised Protocol (ORASECOM 2007j).  A copy of the Revised Protocol is available in the Document Library.

The Orange-Senqu River is a shared watercourse.
Source:McKenzie 1998
( click to enlarge )



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