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Home The River Basin People and the River Governance Meeting the Water Challenge


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Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)


Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a process, intended to coordinate actions across multiple sectors involving a range of stakeholders at local, national and international levels. This chapter presents the overarching principles of IWRM and the steps for basin management. Effectively incorporating meaningful stakeholder involvement and gender perspective is critical to the success of IWRM. Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM) is a sub-set of IWRM and involves the implementation of IWRM at the basin level through River Basin Organisations. IWRM rests on organisational, institutional and individual capacity.

Chapter Summary

This chapter covers the following content and material:

The Lower-Orange River.
Source:DRFN 2008
( click to enlarge )



Explore the sub-basins of the Orange-Senqu River

Explore the principles of Integrated Water Resource Management applied to the Orange-Senqu

Learn about water governance in the Orange-Senqu basin

Tour video scenes along the Orange-Senqu River related to Governance

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