
This glossary comes from the SADC Water Hub


Joint consumptionConsumption that is non-subtractable; that is, use of a natural resource or service that does not affect the amount or quality of the resource available for other users.
Joint Permanent Technical Committee (JPTC)The JPTC was established in 1987 as a bilateral agreement between South Africa and Botswana to make recommendations on matters concerning common interest in the Limpopo.
Joint Water Commission (JWC)In 1996, after South Africa's political change, the two countries signed in Mozambique, an agreement establishing a Joint Water Commission, with advisory functions of technical matters relating their common rivers, including the Limpopo.
JPTC (Joint Permanent Technical Commitee)The JPTC was established in 1987 as a bilateral agreement between South Africa and Botswana to make recommendations on matters concerning common interest in the Limpopo.
JWC (Joint Water Commission)In 1996, after South Africa's political change, the two countries signed in Mozambique, an agreement establishing a Joint Water Commission, with advisory functions of techical matters relating their common rivers, including the Limpopo.