Install Google Earth

To view Google Earth data included with the Orange-Senqu River Awareness Kit you need to have Google Earth installed on your computer.

Follow these steps to install Google Earth:

  1. Click on this link to start the installation process
  2. You will see a file save dialog. Click on the "save file" button.
  3. In the downloads window, double click on the GoogleEarth-Win-Standalone-5.1.3509.4636.exe.
  4. Click OK to open the executable file
  5. Click on "Run" to confirm that you would like to run the installation program (note: you may need Administrator privledges to install the software)
  6. Follow the installer's instructions to complete the installation

If these instructions do not work, open the /CD_Utils/GoogleEarth/ folder on the CD-ROM and select the installation program to use.

Go back to the Orange-Senqu Basin in Google Earth