Install Adobe Acrobat

To view PDF files included with the Orange-Senqu River Awareness Kit you need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.

Follow these steps to install adobe acrobat reader:

  1. Click on this link to start the installation process
  2. You will see a file save dialog. Click on the "save file" button.
  3. In the downloads window, double click on the AdbeRdr1011_en_US.exe file.
  4. Click OK to open the executable file
    (note: you may need Administrator privledges to install the software)
  5. Ensure that the publisher is Adobe Systems, Incorporated, and then click on "Run" to confirm that you would like to run the installation program
  6. Follow the installer's instructions to complete the installation

If these instructions do not work, open the /CD_Utils/AdobeAcrobat/ folder on the CD-ROM and select the installation program to use.

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