kalahri_xeric=The Kalahari Xerix Savanna ecoregion is part of the Afrotropic region and the Deserts and Xeric Shrublands biome. This ecoregion dominates the northern portion of the Orange-Senqu River basin, stretching from the Highveld Grasslands of the Vaal River sub-basin in the east to the Namib Desert of southern Namibia. This region, which only receives rainfall in the summer through intense, episodic storm events, supports a wide range of birds and mammals. However, despite the harsh semi-arid climate, livestock agriculture continues to spread, degrading the land with overgrazing and restricting movement of migratory species with fencing. View more information on Kalahari Xeric Savanna WWF ecoregion code AT1309 Source: WWF 2009