Vaal_Dam=The Vaal Dam is located on the Vaal River approximately 56 km south of Johannesburg, close to Vereeniging. The catchment area of the dam is approximately 38 500 km², most of which is located in the Free State Province, with the remainder in the North West, Gauteng and Mpumalanga provinces. The catchment area has an average annual precipitation of approximately 700 mm with a corresponding annual potential evaporation in the order of 1 500 mm. The Vaal Dam was originally commissioned in 1938 with a wall height of 54,2m above lowest foundation and a full supply capacity of 994 Mm³. The Vaal Dam was raised to a height of 60 m in the 1950s and again by 3 m to 63 m in 1985. Image: DWAF (South Africa)