Smartt_Syndicate_Dam=The Smartt Syndicate Dam is located in South Africa, close to the city of Bristown. The dam stores water from the Ongers River, and was completed in 1979. It has a a reservoir capacity of 100,3 Mm³. This dam forms part of a major irrigation scheme that was started in 1895 as a private venture by an organisation known as the Smartt Syndicate. This syndicate built two dams, planted lucerne and wheat and set up breeding and feeding programmes for sheep, karakul, goats and Clydesdale horses. Unfortunately, the syndicate was liquidated in October, 1954. Assets of this considerable enterprise were dispersed among its members. In March, 1961, there was a massive flood in this area of the Ongers River and the Smartt Syndicate Irrigation Dam was destroyed. A new dam was then built by the Government in 1964 to ensure the continued viability of the irrigation schemes.