Hardap_Dam=The Hardap Dam is the largest dam in Namibia, and is close to the city of Mariental. The dam stores water from the Fish River, and was completed in 1962. It's main purpose is to supply electricity and water to the local area. It has a dam-wall height of 30 m and a reservoir capacity of 294,6 Mm³.

Vegetables and citrus fruits are grown in the floodplain below the dam, and its reservoir has been developed as a recreational area. The dam is a popular watersport and holiday resort for the people of Windhoek. At the lake's western bank is a small nature and game reserve of 20 000 hectares.

The western part of Mariental was flooded in 2006 when the Hardap Dam's sluices were opened after the dam started to spill over. The town was also flooded in 2000 and in 1972.

Image: DRFN