Douglas_Weir=The Douglas Weir is part of South Africa's Orange/Douglas Government Water Scheme. This weir collects water from the Vaal River, but also receives water through a 22 km canal from the Orange River via a pumping station at Marksdrift on the Orange River. The Douglas Weir feeds two canals on the north and south banks of the weir. The northern Alberton canal feeds the Alberton Plots agricultural area while the southern Douglas canal feeds through the town of Douglas, through the Die Erwe Plots agricultural area and the Bucklands Settlement. The Orange-Douglas water scheme was upgraded in 1994 with the potential of expanding the existing irrigation development in the Douglas area by a further 4 000 ha. This upgrade involved lining the canal to transform the canal into a permanent structure and increasing the capacity along the first portion to 6 m³/s, as well as the upgrading of the extensive water distribution network. Image: McKenzie