Bloemhof_Dam=The Bloemhof Dam is located in South Africa, close to the city of Bloemhof. At full supply the capacity of the Bloemhof Dam is 1 241 Mm³, with a surface area of 223 km². It is therefore a very large, shallow reservoir, in an area of relatively low rainfall (474 mm/a) and high potential evaporation (~1 800 mm/a). The dam supplies water to various industrial and municipal users, although most of the water released from the dam is used for riparian irrigation along the Vaal River, totaling approximately 10 500 ha.

Water is also released from Bloemhof Dam to augment supplies to the Vaalharts Government Water Scheme. This irrigation scheme is currently the largest user of water from the dam, with approximately 38 500 ha of agricultural land under irrigation.

Image: DWAF (South Africa)