The Orange-Senqu River Basin


The waters of the Orange Senqu River flow through four riparian states encaspulating a diverse landscape from its source in the temperate mountains of Lesotho, grasslands of  South Africa and southern Botswana, to the Nama Karoo in western South Africa and southern Namibia.

The River Basin Theme of the Orange- Senqu Awareness Kit includes overview material on the biophysical environment of the basin focusing on each of the following subjects:

  • Geography - focuses on the physical environment of the basin includng geomorphology, landcover and mineral reserves.
  • Climate and Weather - including principles of meteorology,climate specific  to the basin and the concept of climate change.
  • Hydrology - explores the balance and use of water as well the water cycle,surface and groundwater in the region with specific focus on the basin.
  • Water Quality - provides an overview of the state of the waters of the basin and factors influencing this, impacts of human activities,mining and groudwater.
  • Ecology and Biodiversity - including aquatic ecology and ecosytems factors affecting them, wetlands and biodiversity.
The highlands of Lesotho, the source of the Orange-Senqu River.
Source:©iStockphoto/Coenders 2006
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Augrabies Falls, on the lower reaches of the Orange-Senqu River, South Africa.
Source:Vogel 2009
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Irrigated agriculture is the single largest water user in the basin.
Source:Vogel 2009
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