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San Rock Art.
Source:Tusafiri 2007
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Robert Jacob Gordon (1870).
Source:William Fehr Collection, Cape Town Castle
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The Parliament Buildings of Botswana, Gaborone.
Source:Iulus Ascanius 2009
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Basket-weaving at the tourist centre in the city of Maseru.
Source:Hatfield 2008
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Henrik Witbooi.
Source:Dove-Sammlung 1892
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The city of Pretoria, as seen from the Union Buildings.
Source:Hatfield 2008
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Water and rain are critical for survival in southern Africa and as such form central components of culture and life in the region.
Source:©iStockphoto/Dumbleton 2009
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The rains bring life to the desert and to the people.
Source:Reed 2009
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The Lesotho Highlands.
Source:Vogel 2009
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The Water Snake.
Source:Libby Costandius 1993
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The Legend of the Fish River Canyon.
Source:Joseph Madisia 1997
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A traditional San dwelling.
Source:iStockphoto/Poco 2009
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The Great Snake.
Source:Libby Costandius 1993
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A typical rural village in Lesotho.
Source:Vogel 2009
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Inhabitants of Orange Farm, South Africa, south of Johannesburg.
Source:Kruchem 2008
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The Lower Orange-Senqu River, near Daberas.
Source:Kruchem 2011
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Families collecting water from a communal stand pipe.
Source:Source:DRFN 2008
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The primary school of Lephoi, a township of Bethulie.
Source:Kruchem 2011
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Education is a primary driver for economic and social development.
Source:Vignet 2011
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Subsistence Karakul goat farming in Namibia.
Source:DRFN 2004
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