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Environmental Flows are considered in South Africa's water accounts.
Source:Pyke 2002
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The Orange-Senqu River at Bethulie, South Africa.
Source:Kruchem 2011
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The Orange-Senqu River from Vanderkloof Dam wall.
Source:Kruchem 2011
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Dry river beds in southern Namibia.
Source:iStockphoto/Steiner 2008
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Virtual Water considers every use of water needed to reach the final product.
Source:Vilseskogen 2008
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Cash crops grown in South Africa and shipped to another country, is one way that virtual water is traded.
Source:Kruchem 2008
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Water saving technologies in agriculture could result in large savings in the Orange-Senqu River basin overall.
Source:Ian Bailey 2006
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Nuts are a high value crop, produced in increasingly large volumes in South Africa.
Source:Roux Pecan 2009
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High grade Pecans.
Source:Roux Pecan 2009
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An ephemeral stream during the dry season.
Source:Department of Water Affairs (DWA), South Africa 2005
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Sehlabathebe National Park – a park worth conserving.
Source:©iStockphoto/Ananiadis 2008
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Monitoring our resources so that they are used sustainably.
Source:Vogel 2007
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Groundwater is an important source of water in the basin, which is monitored by all four basin states.
Source:Kirchner 2008
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Conductivity levels in the basin.
Source:DWAF South Africa 2009
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Sulphate levels in the basin.
Source:DWAF South Africa 2009
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Sampling activities during the first ORASECOM Joint Basin Water Resources Survey.
Source:ORASECOM 2010
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Monitoring response indicators is a good way of determining the overall health of an ecosystem.
Source:DWAF South Africa 2001
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Information systems allow data to be made easily accessible and transferable.
Source:©iStockphoto/Parnell 2007
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Stream-flow, as well as chemical and physical water attributes, are monitored for the entire basin and compiled in comprehensive information systems.
Source:©iStockphoto/Kawisign 2008
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Data about water availability can influence water management scenarios, which in turn impact releases from dams such as Katse Dam.
Source:Lesotho Highlands Development Agency 2009
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