Water Governance in the Orange-Senqu River Basin: Stakeholder Analysis:

Stakeholder Roadmap

In 2007, the Orange–Senqu River Commission (ORASECOM) developed a "Roadmap Towards Stakeholder Participation". The Stakeholder Roadmap presents a strategy to enhance stakeholder involvement and participation in the Orange-Senqu River basin in order to support co-management of river resources.

The overarching vision of the Stakeholder Roadmap is that:

"Orange-Senqu River basin stakeholders actively and effectively participate with ORASECOM in the co-management and sustainable development of the Basin and it resources for enhanced livelihoods" (ORASECOM 2007a).

The objectives of the roadmap are to:

  • Create and enhance institutional mechanisms for effective stakeholder participation in the management of the basin
  • Develop and strengthen capacity in Basin Forums to effectively participate in decision making, planning and sustainable co-management of resources in the basin
  • Develop and utilize open and effective communication between and among the ORASECOM and basin stakeholders, through development of timely, accessible and good quality information and dissemination mechanisms (ORASECOM 2007a)

The core elements of the strategy was initially defined by ORASECOM, and further developed and revised by representatives drawn from regional research organisations, NGOs and the private sector in each basin state and other countries (GWP 2009). Four key areas have been identified to support the objectives of the Stakeholder Roadmap:

  • Communication and Information
  • Institutions Creation and Development
  • Capacity Development
  • Institutional Interfaces

Each of these areas seek to enhance the ability of stakeholders to meaningfully coordinate with ORASECOM, and participate in the management of the Orange-Senqu River basin.

The figure below shows the established ORASECOM institutional interfaces to promote effective stakeholder involvement.

The institutional interfaces for stakeholder participation in the Orange-Senqu River basin.
Source:ORASECOM 2007a
( click to enlarge )

At the basin level, the ORASECOM Secretariat oversees stakeholder coordination. A Program Coordination Unit (PCU) is responsible for daily coordination of stakeholder activities. A Steering Committee, comprised of Commissioners from each basin state, a representative from the International Cooperating Partners and the Basin-wide Forum is responsible for ensuring policy implementation. An ORASECOM Techncial Advisory Group (TAG) on stakeholder participation assists in the implementation of stakeholder action plans. At the national level, National Coordinating Structures are established for coordinating stakeholder involvement activities in each basin state (ORASECOM 2007a).