Water Governance in the Orange-Senqu River Basin:

ORASECOM Programmes

ORASECOM has identifiend six priority areas to promote a Sector Wide Approach (SWAP) for all scientific and technical acitivities within the Orange-Senqu River Basin:

  • Theme 1: Institutional and Organisational Strengthening
  • Theme 2: Specific Capacity Building on Shared Watercourses Management
  • Theme 3: Development of Shared Information System
  • Theme 4: Enhancing ORASECOM Communication and Awareness Building
  • Theme 5: Specific Transboundary Projects and Studies
  • Theme 6: Promotion of Conservation and Environmental Strategies and Policies
Flood monitoring is especially important to the agricultural sector in the basin.
Source:Roux Pecans 2009
( click to enlarge )

Programme Reviews

In March 2011, a decision was taken by the Ministers of the four Orange-Senqu River basin states to hold annual meetings to review ORASECOM programme delivery. These meetings will be held parallel to the annual SADC meeting of ministers. The specific intention of the meetings will be to review progress on programme delivery by the Commission, and provide  guidance and instructions on priority actions to be taken moving forward.

The sections below provide an overview of the six priority action areas currently being addressed by ORASECOM.

Theme 1 - Institutional and Organisational Strengthening

Theme 1 - Institutional and Organisational Strengthening focuses on the following components:

  • Review of legal issues
  • Review of institutional arrangements
  • Establish and support the Secretariat and other ORASECOM institutions
  • Establish and support ORASECOM technical working groups
  • Review ORASECOM's mandate
  • Define and establish ORASECOM's linkages with other basin organizations
  • Develop a holistic implementation programme and define institutional arrangements for its implementation
  • Develop a mechanism to mobilise funds for conservation of the basin catchment
  • Create and support sub-basin stakeholder councils/committees

Theme 2 - Specific Capacity Building on Shared Watercourses Management

Theme 2 - Specific Capacity Building on Shared Watercourses Management focuses on the following components:

  • Development of a national coordination framework for implementation of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM)
  • Provide capacity building in IWRM for technical staff and water resources planners
  • Participate in International Congress on Basin Commissions, and communicate lessons learnt and secondments

Theme 3 - Development of Shared Information System

Theme 3 - Development of Shared Information System focuses on the following components:

  • Creation of an integrated GIS-based database
  • Review and perform quality assurance of existing databases for regional data exchange and integration
  • Design of a common basin observation and monitoring system

Theme 4 - Enhancing ORASECOM Communication and Awareness Building

Theme 4 - Enhancing ORASECOM Communication and Awareness Building focuses on the following components:

  • Awareness raising on ORASECOM products
  • Raising awareness among the general public
  • Preparation and publication of the State of the Environment report

Theme 5 - Specific Transboundary Projects and Studies

Theme 5 - Specific Transboundary Projects and Studies focuses on the following components:

  • Assessment of water demand in all sectors and evaluation of demand management options
  • Assessment of surface water yield taking into account climate change
  • Determination of catchment boundaries based on the contribution of groundwater to base flow
  • Inventory and study of transboundary aquifers and development of a vulnerability map (ISARM/UNESCO)
  • Development of decision support guidelines and a knowledge management system for groundwater drought management (SADC Water Division)
  • Review of groundwater resources and conduct water resources feasibility study in the Molopo-Nossob
  • Assessment of environmental water requirements in the Lower Orange-senqu and other selected points and proposal of standardized methodologies
  • Assessment of development and use of marginal waters
  • Evaluation of water quality and catchment degradation issues

Theme 6 - Promotion of Conservation and Environmental Strategies and Policies

Theme 6 - Promotion of Conservation and Environmental Strategies and Policies focuses on the development of a basin-wide Integrated Water Resource Management Plan (IWRM Plan).