Irrigation Module: 32 Irrigation Module number: 32 Irrigation Module name: GWS from Rietspruit Mean Annual Precipitation: 560 mm Rainfile: C:\WRSM90\Schoon\Data\C2D.MP The Irrigation Module has 4 year/area under irrigation (in kmē) pairs. 1920 8.24 1950 11.68 1976 12.79 1995 12.79 The proportion of the total irrigated land that is irrigated in a particular month (P-Index): Oct 0.780 Nov 0.580 Dec 0.760 Jan 0.730 Feb 0.750 Mar 0.560 Apr 0.550 May 0.370 Jun 0.570 Jul 0.550 Aug 0.540 Sep 0.570 The evaporation and pan factors: Oct 263 0.53 Nov 265 0.77 Dec 291 0.68 Jan 273 0.78 Feb 221 0.72 Mar 199 0.75 Apr 143 0.44 May 115 0.44 Jun 92 0.33 Jul 109 0.40 Aug 158 0.59 Sep 221 0.64 The maximum annual irrigation allocation is 9999.000 mm The effective rainfall factors: Oct 0.6000 Nov 0.6000 Dec 0.6000 Jan 0.6000 Feb 0.6000 Mar 0.6000 Apr 0.6000 May 0.6000 Jun 0.6000 Jul 0.6000 Aug 0.6000 Sep 0.6000 The abstraction route is route 151 . The return flow route is route 152 . The percentage return flow is 10.00%.