Irrigation Module: 1 Date: 2011/04/19 File Name: C:\WRSM2000\UPPER ORANGE\D13\D13RR1.DAT Irrigation Module number: 1 Irrigation Module name: D13C Mean Annual Precipitation: 809 mm Rainfile: C:\WRSM2000\UPPER ORANGE\D13\Kraai.ran The Irrigation Module has 6 year/area under irrigation (in kmē) pairs. 1920 0.00 1970 2.26 1975 2.26 1980 2.45 1990 2.79 2004 0.80 Area growth will be interpolated with option 1 (Linear Interpolation) The evaporation and pan factors: Oct 208 1.00 Nov 238 1.00 Dec 270 1.00 Jan 258 1.00 Feb 197 1.00 Mar 169 1.00 Apr 117 1.00 May 85 1.00 Jun 66 1.00 Jul 75 1.00 Aug 112 1.00 Sep 159 1.00 The maximum annual irrigation allocation is 9999.000 MCM The Irrigation Module has 0 year/water allocation growth pairs. Defined Abstractions file: Not Defined The effective rainfall factors: Oct 0.7500 Nov 0.7500 Dec 0.7500 Jan 0.7500 Feb 0.7500 Mar 0.7500 Apr 0.7500 May 0.7500 Jun 0.7500 Jul 0.7500 Aug 0.7500 Sep 0.7500 The abstraction route is route 9. Transfer Canal: Proportion of flow lost: 0.000 Proportion of flow loss that returns as seepage return: 0.0000 Soil moisture storage capacity upper: 400. mm. Soil moisture storage capacity lower: 1000. mm. Soil moisture storage target: 250. mm. Soil moisture storage initial: 250. mm. Proportion of return flow upper zone: 0.750 Proportion of return flow lower zone: 0.150 Number of crops: 1 . Crop number: 1 Crop Factor : 100.00 'composite' Oct 0.51 Nov 0.66 Dec 0.56 Jan 0.56 Feb 0.56 Mar 0.57 Apr 0.46 May 0.40 Jun 0.12 Jul 0.17 Aug 0.18 Sep 0.58 The Effective Rainfall Limit 1 : 0.0000 The Effective Rainfall Limit 2 : 0.0000 The return flow route is route 10 . Return flow factor: 0.000. Number of year/return flow growth factor pairs: 2 1919 1.00 2004 1.00 Return flow growth interpolated with option 1 (Linear Interpolation) Irrigation Efficiency factor: 0.85 . Number of year/irrigation efficiency growth factor pairs: 0 Irrigation efficiency growth interpolated with option 1 (Linear Interpolation)