Runoff Module 4 Date: 2010/08/24 File Name: ... C:\WRSM2000\CALEDON\D21_A\D21RU4.DAT Runoff Module number: 4 Runoff Module name: D21D Catchment area: 252.00 kmē The module uses the Pitman Groundwater Model. Mean Annual Precipitation: 839 mm Rainfile: ... C:\WRSM2000\CALEDON\D21_A\caled1_5_sec.prn Calibration Parameters: Power of soil moisture/Subsurface flow eqn........(POW): 2.50 Soil moisture state when subsurface flow = 0 ......(SL): 0.00 Soil moisture capacity in mm.......................(ST): 120.00 Subsurface flow at full soil moisture capacity.....(FT): 5.00 Maximum groundwater flow in mm/month...............(GW): 1.00 Min. catchment absorption rate in mm/month...... (ZMIN): 999.00 Max. catchment absorption rate in mm/month.......(ZMAX): 999.00 Interception storage in mm.........................(PI): 1.50 Forest Factor (Van der Zel only)...................(FF): 1.00 Lag of flow (excluding groundwater)................(TL): 0.40 Lag of groundwater flow............................(GL): 0.50 Coefficient in evaporation / soil moisture equation.(R): 0.50 Evaporation and pan factors. Oct 141 0.800 0.630 Nov 152 1.000 0.790 Dec 175 1.000 0.800 Jan 165 1.000 0.800 Feb 128 1.000 0.780 Mar 111 1.000 0.760 Apr 77 1.000 0.710 May 60 1.000 0.660 Jun 46 1.000 0.590 Jul 53 0.800 0.510 Aug 78 0.800 0.570 Sep 113 0.800 0.610 The Runoff Module has no afforestation. The Runoff Module has no alien vegetation areas. The Runoff Module has no paved areas. The Module has no inflow route. The Runoff Module has 2 outflow routes: Route 68 carries 10.0 % of the total runoff. Route 14 carries 90.0 % of the total runoff.