Date of run: 2018/06/05 Time: 13:00:10 Network: SENQ Reservoir Module 2 Katze Water balance error in .. of 1994 The defined demands were greater than the total storage + supply. Calculated outflows were set to zero. Channel Module 13 (Matsoku Weir) Error in .. of 1996 The defined demands were greater than total supply. Calculated outflows were set to zero. Defined route supply deficit : 0.087 Channel Module 13 (Matsoku Weir) Error in .. of 1997 The defined demands were greater than total supply. Calculated outflows were set to zero. Defined route supply deficit : 0.118 Channel Module 13 (Matsoku Weir) Error in .. of 1997 The defined demands were greater than total supply. Calculated outflows were set to zero. Defined route supply deficit : 0.093 Channel Module 13 (Matsoku Weir) Error in .. of 2002 The defined demands were greater than total supply. Calculated outflows were set to zero. Defined route supply deficit : 0.086 Channel Module 13 (Matsoku Weir) Error in .. of 2003 The defined demands were greater than total supply. Calculated outflows were set to zero. Defined route supply deficit : 0.151 Channel Module 13 (Matsoku Weir) Error in .. of 2003 The defined demands were greater than total supply. Calculated outflows were set to zero. Defined route supply deficit : 0.290 Channel Module 13 (Matsoku Weir) Error in .. of 2004 The defined demands were greater than total supply. Calculated outflows were set to zero. Defined route supply deficit : 0.093 Channel Module Matsoku Weir Module number : 13 At least 7 major failure(s) to supply defined demands. Reservoir Module Katze Module number: 2 At least 1 major failure(s) to supply defined demands.