======================================================================== World Lakes (1:10 million) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://koordinates.com/layer/1293-world-lakes-110-million/ ======================================================================== From: Natural Earth Description: World lakes at 1:10 million scale. Made with Natural Earth. Free vector and raster map data @ [naturalearthdata.com](http://naturalearthdata.com). Region: World Category: Topographic Projection: WGS 84 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Processing steps applied by Koordinates ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - imported to Koordinates in Shapefile format on 04 Dec 2009 - updated with new data on 25 Sep 2011 - converted by Koordinates to Shapefile on 31 Jan 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LICENSE: Public Domain Link: http://koordinates.com/license/public-domain/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This geodata is believed to be in the public domain. Reasons for a public domain claim can include, but are not limited to: * the geodata is a work of the US Federal Government. Works of the US Federal Government are generally not eligible for copyright protection. * the geodata was published in the USA before 1923. * the geodata was published in the USA without a copyright notice between 1923 and 1965. * the geodata is photography created in Australia before 1955. * the original copyright has expired, the period of which can vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. See Wikipedia for copyright situations per country: . For a longer discussion of public domain around the world: .